Labor day weekend included the Stone Family Reunion in Shreveport. For those of you that aren't familiar, Stone is my mother's maiden name and the Stone family is huge. The weekend included a little over 50 people and four generations. I knew most of the people but got to meet a few of my mom's cousins as well.
Saturday night we went to my Aunt Dottie's for Buffalo hot dogs (uncle Jim is from Buffalo, NY). Sunday morning, we had brunch at my parent's with breakfast casserole, pastries, and Bloody Mary's. Finally, Sunday evening and night was at my Uncle Ronnie's. There was soccer, swimming, fajitas, margaritas, and karaoke. It really was a fun night and E and I sang until our throats hurt. Hard to believe, I know, but a couple margaritas and a friendly crowd really help to loosen you up. :-) There are a bunch of pictures (mostly from Ronnie's) in the album.

There are so many good pictures, it was hard to pick a few to put here, but I tried my best. First, Uncle Jim's (from Buffalo) granddaughter, Paige, wrapped in a Cowboys blanket! Next, my cousin Jeff's son William who, not surprisingly, is a great singer. He sang the entire Beach Boys' song "Fun, Fun, Fun." Third, a few cute girls (Ronnie's daughter Jessie, E, and my Uncle James' daughter Julia) and last, but not least, Grandmother and Grandfather Stone.