Our precious baby girl celebrated her 3rd birthday with friends and family last weekend! She was beyond excited both to be 3, as well as to be the center of everyone's attention!

The bounce-castle arrived a little before the party started, so Audrey and Jackson had fun breaking it in before everyone arrived.

Audrey chose a princess theme for the party. She's our little princess, so it was very appropriate!

The kids had tons of fun bouncing around in the castle, sliding, swinging, making their own crowns, and coloring with crayons and side-walk chalk.

Then there were cupcakes! Audrey blew out her candles like a pro!

Then it was time to open gifts! Audrey made sure to find each friend after she opened their present and personally thank them. She's such a sweet girl!

The after-party was fun too! After everyone left, Mom and Dad joined in the bouncing, and Pop, Nana, and Grandmother had a little fun too!

There are more pictures in the album.