We've moved! We've been here for a little over a week now, and we're starting to get settled into our new house. We owe a huge thanks to both our moms for helping us pack and unpack, as well as a handful of friends. We couldn't have done it without you! The first trimester of this pregnancy has been fairly rough for me as far as feeling sick and just being exhausted, which meant I wasn't a lot of help packing. Fortunately, around the time we moved I started feeling a little better and was able to do more. We've got the majority of the boxes unpacked. Now we're just down to the few that we're not sure what to do with...pretty good progress for a little over a week in my opinion!
I'm now 11 weeks pregnant with baby #2. We had a doctor's appointment this week, and aside from my blood pressure being really low, which explains why I've been SO tired, the baby looked great! We could see the heartbeat during the ultrasound, and we were given a picture of our sweet baby to bring home and share.

Jackson is now 14 months old! He's walking like a pro and only seems to fall every once in a while now. He loves the new house. He wanders everywhere and gets into everything. He has even mastered going up the stairs...we're working on going down.
He also has a few words to go along with the babbling. Shoe is by far his favorite word. He gets so excited about playing with them and wearing them. He has learned to say/sign the words "more", "eat", "done", and "milk", which have been a huge help at mealtimes, and he likes to say "quack, quack" when he finds his stuffed animal duck.
His new daycare has been wonderful. He loves being there and has learned so much. They do lots of fun activities to keep him busy. The activity he gets most excited about right now is music and dancing time. He loves to clap, stomp, and motion hooray for the song "If you're happy and you know it". He's made lots of great friends with the kids and staff. Although, I think he's a bit of a troublemaker...he's curious about everything including climbing on top of tables and running for the door when it opens!
Today we took a break from working on the house and went to the Bay Area Park. Bailey had fun at the dog park there, and Jackson had a blast on the swings and slides. Here are several pics to make up for lost time, and of course, there are more in the album.

1 comment:
Congratulations on your new house and your new baby and Jackson walking! Sounds like you have had a lot going on. What part of town are you living now?
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