Jackson is 11 weeks old today. I can hardly believe it! If hurricane Gustav doesn't head this way, I'll be back at work on Tuesday. Until then we'll be hanging out with family for Ross' family reunion, which should help keep my mind off the fact that I won't get to spend as much time with Jackson. Here's a new picture of our sweet boy. He's already starting to look older to me...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Silly Monkey
We spent this past weekend in Leakey, TX introducing Ross' sister, Leslie, and her husband, Philip, to their new nephew. Jackson also got to meet Dick and Mia, some of Ross' extended family. Unfortunately, we didn't take many pictures. This one of John (Granddad) and Jackson is one of the only people pics we got. There is a family reunion coming up in a couple of weeks, so hopefully, we'll be better about taking pictures there.

Philip showed us around one of the places he's been working recently. The view was incredible, but we were even more impressed by everything he's done out there. Here's a pic of the view.
Since we've been back, I've been trying to take advantage of my last 2 weeks at home. The time has gone by so quickly! Jackson is getting cuter everyday. He's talking even more and seems to like to sing along with his dad. Here's a picture of him showing off today in his Silly Monkey onesie.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
2 Months Old
Jackson is 2 months old today. It has been an amazing 2 months. I've almost forgotten how little sleep we got during the first few weeks and what it was like to listen to continuous crying for hours at a time. I now look forward to Jackson's cries to let us know he's awake. It's one of our favorite times. We unwrap Jackson from his swaddle and watch him stretch and slowly open his eyes like this.

Then we usually get to see a great big smile if he's not hungry.

The most exciting part of our day is when Jackson decides to talk to us. He makes the most adorable noises. He even immitates the noises we make and the things we say sometimes. It's so much fun! Here's what he looks like while talking.

One of Jackson's most recent discoveries is his fist. He seems to be able to stick the whole thing in his mouth!

He's having fun discovering the world!

Thursday, August 07, 2008
Who does Jackson look like?
Most people, by far, say that Jackson looks like me (Ross). I don't claim to be able to see it...I think he looks like a baby. However, my parents gave me some of my baby pictures and I have to say it is pretty clear when you compare the baby pictures. So, here you go...

I'm not sure exactly but I was probably a little over a month when that was taken. I was a little chubbier than Jackson but the similarities are there. Just check out his album page to see. BTW...that's my mom and most of my sister also in the picture.
2 Month Appointment
The shots were about what you'd expect. One of the vaccines was oral and the other 5 were given in 3 shots. He screamed with each poke, held his breath until his lips turned purple, and then cried. It was so sad we had to laugh. He got some Tylenol as soon as we got home and has been sleeping ever since.
He now weighs 10 lbs. 4 oz., which is still in the 25th percentile. He's 22.75 inches long (50th percentile) and his head is 14.5 inches in circumference(25th percentile).
Sunday, August 03, 2008
A Week in Arlington, TX
Ross, Jackson, and I spent last week in Arlington, TX. Ross was there for a workshop on autonomous vehicle systems, so Jackson and I joined him for the week. We spent a lot of time in the hotel room, but fortunately we got a suite, which made life in a hotel with a baby a lot easier!
My mom made her way over at the end of the week for a visit. She kept Jackson for us so we could enjoy an evening out just the two of us, which was nice. Here's a picture of the two of them enjoying some time together. There are more pics in the album too.

Today we went to church, and Jackson went to the nursery for the first time. He was the only baby today, so he got a lot of attention. The lady keeping him said he did great. I'm so glad we decided to start taking him to the nursery because it allowed me to really focus on God during the service instead of worrying about whether or not Jackson was about to start crying. I think it will also help me get used to the idea of taking him to day care. Of course, one hour is a lot different than eight.