This weekend we celebrated my Mamaw's 90th Birthday! Mamaw is my Dad's mother. His only sister, my Aunt Kathy, put together the party, and it was perfect. She pulled out some of Mamaw's grade school report cards, sorority pictures, albums, and more for people to flip through and reminisce. There were lots of family and friends there to celebrate her life and all that she means to us!

Mamaw has always been a beautiful, petite woman with a smile on her face and a song on her lips. It was fun to share memories like that with my cousins and be there to watch her blow out the candles on her cake.

Jackson enjoyed being there and getting lots of attention. He had moments of sweetness and moments of craziness...he is a boy! He really enjoyed playing with my Uncle Mike and Ross. He had fun with my cousins too, but somehow I didn't get any pictures of that.

I haven't seen most of the Mitchell side of our family since my cousin John's wedding. That was when I was pregnant with Audrey, which means most of them had never met her! She had her sweet and silly moments too!

Shepherd, John and Sarah's baby boy, is the newest member of the family at 6 months old. He is such a sweet and good baby. Audrey loved giving him hugs, and I loved getting to hold him and put him to sleep!

After the party we made our way to my Grandmother and Granddaddy's house. We all got to spend a little time playing outside.

The swing in their backyard has always been one of my favorite spots, and Jackson and Audrey like it too. We even got a Taylor family picture!

Our actual trip to and from Ruston was a bit rough thanks to an overturned eighteen wheeler, tire problems, a sick kiddo, a power outage, and a carsick kiddo. The time with our families was worth all of it though. We even got to spend a little time with the Taylors on Friday night. Both the Taylors and my Grandparents completely spoiled us with good food in addition to everything at the party! There are a few more pictures from the weekend in the album.
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