We had another doctor's appointment today. They did the nuchal translucency test, which involved a sonogram and a blood test. So far everything looks good. They have to do another blood test in a month before we get the final results. During the sonogram we got to hear the heartbeat, which was 141 beats per minute. I'd also lost a pound since the last visit, which is funny to me since I ate like a horse at Thanksgiving and my clothes are smaller than ever. Nothing to worry about at this point though.
Here are a couple of the pictures from the sonogram today. It looks like Baby Taylor is already sucking it's thumb...

I'm just so excited. I know I keep saying that but I really am. We will both be having babies around the same time. We are still hoping and praying that we will have a referral by February. Wouldn't that be so neat to have babies close in age?!
Congrats you two! It sounds like Baby Taylor is getting closer to my birthday now!! Woo-hoo! June's the best month to be born in... though I may have a little bias:)
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