Audrey turned 1 on Thursday! I can hardly believe a year has already gone by. We started the day by opening the gifts my grandparents sent for Audrey and Jackson. Then we stopped by Miss Ginny's Bakery for blueberry scones, which I ate almost daily while I was pregnant with Audrey and even requested while I was in the hospital just after she was born. We took extra scones to Audrey's class as a special birthday breakfast.
We picked Audrey up early from school to take her to her 1 year well child checkup. I's a little cruel. She is doing great though! She was around the 65th percentile in height and a little above the 75th percentile in weight. She got two shots, but recovered quickly from the sting.
Afterwards, we picked up Jackson and headed home to play in the backyard and await Nana's arrival. Nana made it in town just in time for dinner and to give them both more gifts. It made for the perfect end to a great day.
As for developmental milestones for this month, Audrey has decided she likes trying to drink from a big girl cup! Most of the water ends up in her lap, but she thinks it's great!
We've started dropping her bottles, and as of today, she's only getting a bottle in the evenings, which we intend to stop next week or when we run out of formula. She has done well with the transition to whole milk, and she can out eat any of us!
She didn't get any new teeth this month. However, she's been chewing on her finger a lot lately, so I suspect one will be coming soon.
She's walking like a pro and has even learned to walk backwards...mostly to back into your lap if she wants to sit there.
She loves to run around and give hugs, especially to babies. We think this is something she has learned from all of the hugs Jackson has given her. If someone seems smaller than her, she wants to bend down and give them a hug just like he does to her! Here's an example from this weekend when their cousin, Mitchell, was in town.

More than anything she wants to do everything Jackson does, and so far he loves that!
Audrey has been and continues to be such a wonderful addition to our family. She brings so much joy to our home! Here are pictures from each month of her life so far. It just amazes me how quickly they grow and change!

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