Thursday, November 11, 2010

Audrey is 8 Months Old!

Yesterday, Audrey was 8 months old. Obviously, she's changed a lot since I did the last update just after she turned 6 months old. Here are all of the milestones she has hit since absolutely amazes me how quickly she has changed!

  • She is now crawling on all fours.
  • She pushes to a sitting position.
  • She has 4 teeth. The 4th actually came through last night!
  • She is eating cherrios and puffs like a pro!
  • She is also starting on stage 3 baby foods.
  • She drinks water from a sippy cup.
  • She "talks" almost non-stop.
  • Last week she started pulling up in her crib at day care, and at home she is now pulling up on everything and even cruising a little.

Here are a few pictures from last weekend of her playing with her sippy cup and standing up at our coffee table. There are more in the album.


Audrey has a great personality. She's very focused, but she loves to laugh and be entertained. She brings so much joy to our family!

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