Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Part 3 & Christmas Part 1!

Last weekend my Mom and Grandparents came for a visit. We had such a wonderful time. This will be the first year that we don't go back to Louisiana for Thanksgiving or Christmas, so it was really nice to get to spend some time with them. My Grandparents make the world's best cornbread dressing, so they spent some time teaching me the recipe, as well as their tricks for pulling off a successful Thanksgiving Day meal.

Since we won't be there for Christmas, Jackson and Audrey got their gifts from their G.G. (Great Grandmother) and Great Granddaddy early. Here are some pics of the fun.


Jackson got a Spiderman sleeping bag with his name on it. He's never seen Spiderman, but he LOVES it! I have a feeling we'll be pulling out the tent and having some "camp outs" inside.


Jackson did most of the opening, but Audrey had fun with the paper too.


Saturday night we had a friend baby sit so we could all go out for a nice dinner at Cullens. It was delicious! On Sunday we went to church in the morning, and then squeezed in a quick photo shoot before the kiddos went down for their naps and everyone headed home.

Here are Great Granddaddy and G.G. with the kiddos.

Great Granddaddy, G.G., Jackson, & Audrey

A very happy Nana with her grandkids.

Audrey, Nana, & Jackson

Here are four generations of women from the Colvin family to the Napper family to the Mitchell family to the Taylor family.

Nana, G.G., Audrey, & E

It was a wonderful weekend, and we feel so blessed to have been able to spend the time with everyone. Thanks for coming down! There are a few more pictures in the album.

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