Saturday, April 02, 2011

Strawberry Picking

This morning we headed out to Froberg's Farm to do a little strawberry picking.

Froberg's FarmFroberg's Farm

Neither of the kids were shy to get started. As you walked in they explained what to pick and what to leave alone. Jackson listened intently and did a great job finding good strawberries for us to bring home.

Audrey found some really good ones too. Although, I don't think you're supposed to eat them before you pay for them...who me?

Froberg's Farm

It was a perfect day to be outside, and we were glad we were among the first to arrive. By the time we left, the place was packed! It was well worth the short trip though.

Froberg's FarmFroberg's Farm

We think Audrey ate more strawberrys than dirt, but it's hard to be sure...

Froberg's FarmFroberg's FarmFroberg's FarmFroberg's FarmFroberg's FarmFroberg's Farm

Jackson really isn't a fan of strawberries, so he was never tempted to eat them while we were there. He just had a blast picking out the good ones and running down the rows.

Froberg's Farm

We will definitely be coming back to Froberg's. Not only was the strawberry picking fun, but they had a great little farmer's market too. It was difficult not to buy a little of everything!

There are several more pictures of the strawberry picking fun in the album.

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